Monday, November 10, 2008

It came

To no surprise AF showed her ugly face, but was a week late.Oh well all I can do is wait for our appointment at the RE with our embryo adoption co-ordinator and counselor next week.Well snow finally came here to got to love Michigan LOL.Oh well kinda of a nice change but I am sure I will get sick of it before too long.


Hoping for our own Peanut said...

your wedding pictures are beautiful!

Tiffany said...

Glad she came and that you can move forward. Looking forward to following your jounrey.

Dan and Gretchen said...

I too am in Michigan, and actually a short jaunt down the road from you (In Zeeland)!!!! I would love to have you email me sometime and tell me who your RE is. We had a VERY similar situation as you, DH was our main infertility problem, and are now expecting twins after many failed attempts w/IUI's etc and a successful IVF. If we don't use the same Dr., I'd encourage you to check mine out since he is known nationwide for success.
Hang in there, these are by far the most trying times for a marriage.


My snowflake items

My snowflake items
DH got me these after we officially accepted our set of snowflake babies