I called our RE's office yesterday for a few reasons one of them was to see if we were allowed to place a letter in our file or the donors file saying thank you to the donors. I was told that we couldn't because most genetic parents do not want to know if a child resulted from their donated embryos,it can be too painful. They didn't want someone to slip up and say something they shouldn't I guess. Our donor coordinator said that by the time the genetic parents make the difficult decision to donate they ask not to be contacted and do not want to look back. I guess I can understand where they are coming from as it must be so painful. On my side of the fence I have so much gratitude and appreciation for the gift they have given me and no way to express it.I guess really there are no words to convey it appropriately anyways I mean how do you say thank you for a sharing a little human being,a miracle? Honestly, what words would there be? My heart swells, it runs over with love for people I have never even met. They have given me so much more than a son they have given me a renewed faith in my fellow man,strengthened my faith in GOD and in miracles around me.How could I ever say thank you for these gifts? For this reason I am writing this on my blog this goes out to all the embryo donors out there.I do however want to take a minute to focus on the anonymous donors for they are the ones who will never hear even the simplest words of gratitude, their gift will never be acknowledged,they will never see the immense joy they have brought to someone else's world.Our donors will never know the tears I cried upon laying eyes on my precious son as I gave birth to him, they will never see how many times a day he makes us smile, they will never know how happy they have made two little boys who now call themselves big brother to this beautiful little baby.This letter goes out to ALL embryo donors whether they are known or anonymous because I can't thank mine, so I will thank all of you. Thank you for making I am sure one of the hardest selfless decisions of your life.Thank you for seeing potential and life in those little balls of cells.Thank you you for helping others to realize their dreams of building families.Thank you for choosing life and giving the embryos a chance at life.I hope that you will read this and know what a wonderful gift all of you donors have given and are giving to your brothers and sisters in Christ.And know that you are giving us who receive these gifts so much more than a chance for a baby your giving us HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE!
In closing I am asking that if you know someone who is a embryo donor that you please pass this letter on to them, who knows maybe it will reach "our" donors someday... God Bless you all! -Megan
Amazing! Beautifully said,
beautiful post!
Couldn't have said it better myself. :) Thanks sweetie!!
What a great idea! Thanks for your comments on my blog and thanks for following along. Your baby is adorable and I can't wait to follow along with your family!
Yes, Yes, Yes! Thanking them with you for CHOOSING LIFE!!! :)
I think that would be something I would want to know too. I'd want to know that the gift I made came to something.
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