Tammy's blog
Kami's blog
It has been so exciting to have a package arrive in the mail for the last few days.I get so giddy and excited that I barely get inside the house before I am trying to open it.DH has gotten a big kick out of it and says he loves seeing me so happy and smiling.I am always telling "nanner" that it looks like he's got a present when I see that a package has arrived.I want to acknowledge those of you that have sent us something for our little guy.I am so blessed to have you all in my life, you guys may not realize it but you all mean so much to me.I look forward to reading your posts even if I don't always comment please know that if I am following you ,I am reading your posts.I always check my blog for new comments from all of you and am thankful to those of you that take the time to comment and or share some kind encouraging words.
Before I thank everyone I want to say that I will not be using last names for privacy reasons.I know that there may be more of you that sent or will be sending something that I have not received yet please do not think I have forgotten or am excluding you.I will be acknowledging everyone and will be doing show n tell with pics for everything that arrives! After all this is my baby shower with all of you and I want to have you all experience it with me.I do want to take a minute to say that the the offer of hand me downs I have received mean so much to me and DH.We consider that just as much a gift as a anything off our registry.We know personally that times are tough and appreciate anything anyone wants to bless us with!
I want to thank Tammy for the very soft and sweet blanket that she made and sent for our little guy it is just precious and like she said it says "miracle baby" on it which she said was perfect and I agree!
Thank you Michelle for the 3 pack of printed bottles they will be so handy,much needed and are so perfect!
Thank you Gretchen for the awesome crib dust ruffle,crib sheet and fleece blanket that will now complete our adorable crib set!(those were the items that we were missing)
Thank you Michell for the 3 very cute outfits for our little one and the sweet blankie!
And last but not least I want to thank Rebecca for the 3 pack of bottles,again much needed and the adorable 4 pack of safari receiving blankets which are perfect and very cute!
Latest News.....
Yes I offically changed our blog name, I wanted it to reflect where we are in our journey, I hope that it hasn't confused anyone.
I had a u/s to check cervical length today and the tech said everything looked fine,they were checking it due to all of my braxton hicks and cramps/possible contactions I have had.
I will be announcing our little "nanners" real name on my next post!!!
We are officially 28 weeks pregnant, if you would have asked me back when I had the bleeding episode/threatened mc/hematoma diagnosis if I thought we were gonna make it this far I probably would have said "no" but here were are!!!
I will post a 28 week belly pic in my next post.
I also would like to do a reader round up to see who is following my blog that I haven't had the pleasure to "meet" yet.So get ready all you lurkers as I will be inviting you out in my next post :-)
You are very welcome!!!
YAY!!! 28 weeks! That is so wonderful!!!
I can't believe you are already 28 weeks! That is amazing. So glad to hear that you are doing well!
Big Hugs!
So glad you're getting stuff! I'm so happy for you! You're very welcome for the blanket!
You deserve everything!!
You're very welcome Megan, congrats on your pregnancy and may you have a happy and healthy rest of your journey!
Yay honey!!!! I am so excited you are getting things!!! Whoo hoo. Now I need to get off of my duff and get something for you too!! I have been so busy and exhausted!! I promise, one will come from me too!!
Awww so happy for you. I will have some stuff coming your way soon. The boys are making their way out of the preemie clothes and into newborns. Can't wait to read what you have decided to name the baby.
Congratulations! We're so very excited for you! I am embarrassed to say that I didn't check in for a while after our miscarriage- it was tougher than I thought it would be to go through. Can't wait to see you post baby pics!
Look at all those goodies! Lots of monkeys..of course!
I cant wait to hear Nanners name!
Something should be coming your way soon! So excited for you and your DH! We'll be doing FET early next month with donated embryos... hoping that some of your good vibes will rub off on us!!
i ran across your blog - my husband and i are considering embryo donation/adoption. would you mind telling me what agency/company you used? i would really appreciate it. you can email me at woodenpony@gmail.com. thanks and good luck to you! you have a beautiful family.
aww, Hello! Update wanted :) :) :) :)
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