Well where to begin.First I want to thank April and Michele for the goodies they sent in the mail.That was so sweet of them and I want to thank them for participating in my online baby shower that Tammy and Kami started.Here are the links to Tammy and Kami's blogs just copy and paste.( I just want to acknowledge that they are the reason for all of these blessings we have received, and of course all of you fellow kind hearted bloggers!)
Tammy's blog
Kami's blog
Michelle sent us a very much needed package of newborn diapers and the adorable moo sounds milk and cookies toy we registered for! I just know our baby will love playing with that.
April sent us a wonderful two pack of avent bottles, soothie pacifiers and a very cute soothie holder.She also included a note card with some very kind thoughts and words of encouragement.
Thank you both! You have no idea how much it means to us!!
Next I would like to ask all of my blog lurkers to come out and introduce yourself and maybe follow officially so I can get to know you and your story as well!! I am very excited to get a chance "meet" you all.
We completed our birthing classes this weekend which we both enjoyed and found to be informative.We chose to do the condensed weekend version as we never know when our little baby will decide to come.And my boys were with their dad so we would not need to find a sitter for several different days.We had a couple of long days but it was helpful.Saturday alone we attended for 7 hours straight with a break for lunch.And on Sunday we attended for 3 hours.But we now have our certificate of completion and are done and getting ready for our little miracle!
We are currently 31 weeks pregnant but here is our 29 week belly pic.DH is going to take another one tonight or tomorrow.(our official due date got moved up sooner by two days and I forgot to change my ticker until today oops!)Anyway that puts our due date 2 days closer than before wow, which they reconfirmed when they called today!
We had our OB appointment last Thursday and it went well. I am up 21 pounds (yowser!) but I am told that it is well within the normal range for where I am at in my pregnancy.Still umm yikes! We were then scheduled for a full U/S on the next day to check for fetal growth.I got the results today and they said he is doing great, yes he still has boy parts (lol), I have had them check at 3 different U/S's to avoid a surprise later :-).They said his organs look good and everything looks normal.He is now about 3.4 pounds and is in the 50% group for fetus's at his age of development.So he is officially average.Which we are definitely happy about.They also checked my cervical length again and it was good.The tech had a new tech helping her so they took lots of time to look him over and held the wand right over him on my belly without moving it for a bit and we all could see his little eyes looking around.We saw him blink and watched his actual eyeball rotate and shift from side to side as if we was trying to figure out what was going on out there and what were we all doing.It was really cool.And before that we saw him suckling it was adorable.I am so in love with this little guy!! Unfortunately we were unable to get any pics that were very good due to how he was laying with the placenta.Here are a few 1 is a face pic ,another is of both feet which are conveniently located under my ribs lol and the another is a side profile of his foot.He is currently head down pressing right against my cervix with his feet up and under my left ribs and his little bottom is on my right side.Basically he is in a "L" shape.He is very spread out and comfy I guess :-)
Now as I promised I will reveal our baby "nanners" real name (first and middle)....Can I have the envelope please? And the winner is.... Mason Matthew!!!
So there you have it our little miracle has a name besides his nick name but we still use both when we refer to him.
I love the name!!! You look great and your story gives me hope. Our FET is in a few weeks and seeing you makes it even more real.
Great name! Thrilled for you on on your positive progress! Thank you Lord for a healthy little Mason!
I love the name Mason Matthew! I am a lurker and decided to unlurk. I love reading your blog!
I have enjoyed following your blog. My husband and I did our first embryo adoption transfer around the same time you did last spring (neither survived). We will be doing our second this coming January. Good Luck and Congratulations.
Lurker here! I love Mason! I am very fond of names you can't shorten. I started school not knowing my given name! I really hope you can hold out! You're package has been sitting in our nursery, I'm sorry I haven't mailed yet. It's been on my to-do list along with going to the vet, shampooing the carpet, showering...LOL! The girls keep me busy, I wish I could stay on top of things!
A friend of ours has a Mason! Lovely name!
So glad things continue to go well. It's so wonderful. :)
What a sweet name. Oh and you look great by the way. Your belly is adorable. I'm so glad all is going well.
I am a lurker.. sorta.. I follow you and comment sometimes.
I started following your blog about a month before you got your BFP and It has been amazing to see you and the baby grow to be so happy and healthy.
You and your husband sound like a wonderful couple.
Love the name. :) Glad the appointment went well!! Love the pics!
Glad you got stuff you needed from the shower...and it was a pleasure doing it for you. :) :)
What a great name! Congrats on making a decision! I'm happy to read that you and Mason are both doing well! All the best!
Love the name!!! I am so glad that all is well with you!!!
As soon as things slow down here, I'll give you a call- I still have a package to send as well!!!
You're welcome!! So glad you are getting lots of great things!! I have to say this baby shower idea has made me smile so much. I've been to 5 baby showers in the last year and this is the first one I've actually enjoyed!!
Mason is adorable!!!
Ahhh, Mason Matthew, what a perfect name!! I usually dont like the same initial used twice, but I really love the two M's!
Glad all is well with the little monkey.
De-lurking here! I've been following your journey for a while now. So glad to hear all is well and I love the name you chose! Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy!
You have an award on my blog. :) Thanks for your support!! (((HUGS)))
mason is such a cute name! i've considered it before we decided to do our alphabet of names. not too sure we'll get all the way to m. what a blessing of gifts you've gotten!! god is SO good my friend!
Just found your blog today...so does that mean I'm a lurker too? :) Congrats on 31+weeks soooo exciting! I'll have to read your whole story when I have more time. You can check out all of our adoption miracles (EA #4,5,&6) at www.friesentriplets.blogspot.com! God's richest blessings during this precious time! So happy for you!
Hello! I've been a lurker for a long time...I think since before you got pregnant with Mason Matthew (I love the name btw). I found your blog through Nichole-my grasp at sanity! I don't know if I ever commented, sorry but I've been reading all your posts and have said many prayers for you! :)
Hello! So excited to find your blog - just starting to really find others going through EA - we are in the midst of our shots with a transfer of 11/13!! We are so excited and I am thrilled to follow your story!
DH and I have finally decided to become foster parents. I could use any advice you can spare since you have also gone through foster care with your two boys. :)
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