-RE says risks for multiples is low if we put in all three but none the less it is a risk he said it is 5-10% for triplets and 10-20% for twins
-We could lose embryos in the thaw therefore making this a non issue but we need to know what we want ahead of time
-RE made a point to say that we transferred 3 last time and only ended up with 1 baby and said that is pretty typical for a frozen transfer
-We know that we are pretty sure that this is it for us this year that we can not afford to do another transfer if this does not work, so the 1 remaining embryo could be sitting there frozen for another year or more
-But if it does work the 1 remaing embryo could still be sitting there for a year or more
-If we do not transfer all 3 embies that will leave us with 1 embie in storage (and hefty storage fees to pay), that may or may not make the thaw next time and may or may not become a baby.But it most certainly does not give us much to work with in the event of trying again.Even if we were able to afford to get on the list and matched again our clinic does not mix embies (which I am glad for since it allows me to know which profile belongs to the baby I may be carrying) which means we would have to try with one embie total providing it made the thaw, before we could proceed with new embies.(wow I am hearing $$$)
-I once read that for each embie transferred you have about a 30% chance of becoming pregnant so it would stand to reason that with 3 your chance is good.So that works out to 90% chance respectively.
-Our current embies are not blasts they are a 4 cell grade 1,a 2 cell grade 1 and a 3 cell grade 2+ (our previous set that made Nanner was a 7 cell grade 2,a 4 cell grade 2 and a 6 cell grade 3, He said the grade 3 embie was pretty bad but you never know that could be the one that made Nanner :-) Our current set is higher quality than our previous. I know different clinics have different rating systems, I guess grade 1 is the highest and and a 2+ is about equal to a 1 it's like getting a B+ in school almost an A but not quite. Both sets of embies were and are sets of three.
-There is a chance that this won't even work and this is all for nothing :-( I know I shouldn't think like that,but really we could put all 3 in and none take that's the reality.
-This set is not a genetic set to the one that made Nanner so you can not compare outcome except that I was able to carry a pregnancy finally....
-Here is the background on the previous parents and recipient:
Set began as 10,
Genetic parents transferred 1 =one live birth
First recipient transferred 2 =low positive preg test no live birth
First recipient transferred 3 =2 babies live birth for both
1 embryo was lost in thawing process by one of the previous parents
3 left in storage for us :-)
So there you have some of the facts I am not sure if I have left anything out that would help you to help me make a decision if I have and anyone has any questions please let me know.DH said he is ultimately ok with transferring all 3 but it is my body and and I have the final say.I just want to do the right thing and I also am scared that I will make the wrong decision and it won't work.Now as far as time frame goes for when we might do this cause I know you are all wondering that :-) The RE said we could do as early as a April or May transfer if we get on the schedule.So I am thinking that over as I didn't think I would do another transfer in April but now I am reconsidering it (Marilyn tell Tim thanks for that one lol).So here we are digesting our appointment today and deciding where to go from here.I am going to be keeping closer track of what is spent this time total for when people email and ask me so that I can tell them.We do not have fertility coverage so ours may be higher than some but it will give an idea for those of you just beginning this journey.Today's visit just to talk to the doctor $189.00 out of pocket.Ouch! But what you gonna do? :-) Well that's it for now girls thank you for your well wishes for me and Nanner they are greatly appreciated, ((hugs)) to you all...
Update -To answer your question Tammy yes they are all in separate straws:-)
-Our office said that multicells tend to make the thaw better than blasts due to their lesser stage of development.
-Also all 3 of our previous embryos from Nanners set made the thaw.
-It was thought by my OBGYN that I was PG with twins but it got missed until I had my bleed/SCH at 9 weeks 1 day (there is an entry in blog about it) at which time I lost one so it is possible that 2 initially took.But no one will ever know for sure.
-I/we are not scared of twins/multiples per se just of complications during PG and to the babies.
-I have so LOVED hearing from all of you it has been wonderful to get your input all of you are WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much it so appreciated! I sat and read all of your comments to DH :-)