Our first u/s is on
wednesday the 29
th and we are so excited! I haven't really had much to report lately we are getting ready for a yard sale that we are having this weekend so lots of sorting and pricing has been keeping me busy.The thing I have noticed about myself is I am so swollen and bloated in my abdomen.Seriously nothing fits.It just seems so soon to be having this problem.My
bb's don't even look like my own anymore. I so need to get new bras so I can stop having quad
bb's. :-) I was wondering if anyone knew if the progesterone and or estrogen could be part of my early bloating etc. I was told by the nurse that it was partly to blame for my cramps that I have been having since 3dpt.Which have gotten way less frequent and intense over the past week or so.This is all so new and uncertain to me just looking for some reassurance.So in the end while
trying to get dressed on
Saturday I was so frustrated when nothing at all fit.DH was trying to be comforting and said "honey why don't you just put on those maternity c
apris that you bought for later?,you are pregnant and you would be so much for comfortable" So I gave in seeing no other answer.But I tell you what I haven't been that comfortable in my clothes for the last week or so.And once I started wearing the ever so stretchy c
apris/convertible cargo pants part of the bloating/swelling went down in my belly.Not all of it not even close but it was noticeable.It was like the pants were
restricting the flow of blood and fluids up and down through my body so it was pooling by my wait band.Just like it does on either side of my wedding ring lately from time to time.I take it off and then it goes down for a while.The funny thing through all of this is I am not eating anymore than usual.In fact DH was the first to point out I eat the same or less.So I have been perplexed.Any ideas girls???