Well I had my follow up u/s today and the results were great! Praise God!! They said that there was no more hematoma that it was GONE! We are so grateful that the threat to our little miracle has for the most part disappeared.We could still end having him early like I said before because of my endometriosis and the fact that I have had a hematoma but our chances of it being as early or early at all have been dramatically reduced. I have to say that wow he is getting big and now looks cramped in there compared to all the extra space he had before to float around in.I also asked the tech to check the sex again just to be sure and this tech says he's a boy too.I have a follow up appointment at my OB on wednesday and I will have more info on what my restrictions continue to be or if they have changed.We are just so excited and thankful to our lord for healing the hematoma.We prayed daily for this to happen and our prayers were answered.I will post either today or tomorrow our recent u/s pics.They are not as clear as we would have liked as he was being less than cooperative today.He was having his rest time he is not very active at the time of day my appointment was so he was curled up with an arm acrossed his face.He gave us a little wave and a few kicks but didn't really jump around much.But like I said that is normal for the time of day (2:00pm) our appointment was at.I will post more later when I get a bit more time.
Join us on our journey to build our family.I adopted my 2 beautiful boys from foster care after I struggled with infertility.I have stage 4 Endometriosis, POF and suffered miscarriages.My husband also suffers from infertilty.We now have our miracle son born 2009 after using donor embryos. Then our daughter in 2012. In 2014 we welcomed our twin girls! We still have 4 embryos remaining. Follow us as we start the donor embryo process once again late 2016 early 2017.This is our story..
Monday, August 24, 2009
great news and 22 week belly shot
Well I had my follow up u/s today and the results were great! Praise God!! They said that there was no more hematoma that it was GONE! We are so grateful that the threat to our little miracle has for the most part disappeared.We could still end having him early like I said before because of my endometriosis and the fact that I have had a hematoma but our chances of it being as early or early at all have been dramatically reduced. I have to say that wow he is getting big and now looks cramped in there compared to all the extra space he had before to float around in.I also asked the tech to check the sex again just to be sure and this tech says he's a boy too.I have a follow up appointment at my OB on wednesday and I will have more info on what my restrictions continue to be or if they have changed.We are just so excited and thankful to our lord for healing the hematoma.We prayed daily for this to happen and our prayers were answered.I will post either today or tomorrow our recent u/s pics.They are not as clear as we would have liked as he was being less than cooperative today.He was having his rest time he is not very active at the time of day my appointment was so he was curled up with an arm acrossed his face.He gave us a little wave and a few kicks but didn't really jump around much.But like I said that is normal for the time of day (2:00pm) our appointment was at.I will post more later when I get a bit more time.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Had a scare,pics from friends wedding in june and the latest goings on here
We are holding up 3 fingers in some of the pics because we were three months pregnant.The pictures were fun and we had a good time acting goofy and and sweet with each other.

Well lets start with the scare we had it started last weekend when the temp and humidity decided to spike and we started have our 95 degree days here in Michigan (crazy I know).On the afternoon of Sunday august 9th I started getting really overheated as we were having a yard sale with a friend. As the day grew hotter and more humid I started to feel overheated, nauseous and a bit dizzy.So I sat down as much as possible and was consuming fluids.I made a comment to DH and my friend that "nanner" that's what we call our baby for now, was not very active that day.But I just played down to the change in our schedule etc.Plus I was busy with the sale and preoccupied.Well later that night after the sale DH looked down at my feet and said "umm hunny, your feet are purple".I looked down and either out just exhaustion or not knowing how to respond was like "hmm imagine that, they are purple" At this point he prompted me to go lay down and put them up which I did.As the night went on "nanner" still did not make himself known and my skin was getting tight on my fingers,thighs and calves.I decided to call my OB's office the next day and tell them what was going on.I still hadn't really felt "baby nanner" and if I did it was so faint that I was unsure if it was bubbles or him.My ob's nurse was out so I got a different one and told her what was going on and she said the heat and humidity is very hard on pregnant women and that I needed to drink tons of water, to keep my feet up and rest.She also said that pregnant women become dehydrated easier and they can't tell when they are.She then said that I should drink something cold and lay very still and wait to see if the baby kicks etc.If I didn't have a change in things she said I was more than welcome to go into the birthing center and they would listen to him and check me out.Well Monday finished out and Tuesday went by with very very faint movement or gas bubbles not sure and he still was not being my active boy.He had been keeping regular hours of kicking and moving (even DH could feel him) up until Sunday.You could have set your watch by him so that is why this was alarming to me.So Wednesday night at about 11:45pm we went in.(I had to wait for my Ex-husband to get out of work so he could come sit at our house with mine and his boys while they slept.Yes I know we have an unconventional relationship but we are still good friends and we co-parent our children wonderfully.He and DH get along great and even installed a dishwasher here together.)So anyways going on they took a urine sample and listened to "baby nanner" and she said he sounded great,that his heart was steady and regular.She said I needed to drink more fluids,keep my feet up and rest.She also said the heat may have been getting to him a bit so I should try to stay hydrated and cool.All of which I had started to do since the heat wave started on Sunday.So we went home hoping she is right and tried to get some sleep.The very next morning what do you think happened? Of course it was our "baby nanner" kicking and moving just like his old self.He was kicking so hard that DH could feel him which put huge smiles on both of our faces.He's been our active little monkey ever since.He sure did give us a scare but we are glad he is alright.We have an u/s on Monday to check for the hematoma and see him again,we can't wait! I am finally posting our pics that we took in the photo booth at my friends wedding in June, I know I said I would a long time ago but better late than never. I should probably give a little history on our baby's nickname which he had even before we knew he was a boy in order to stop calling the baby "it" as in "it" kicked "it" moved,having a nickname made it more personable.His nickname came because we call him our little monkey and are doing his room in jungle and monkeys, so we decided on "nanner" as in banana.Everyone thought it was cute and it has stuck and will be around until he has an official name but I have a sneaking suspicion that he will always be our little nanner.On a different note I was officially put on prescription reflux/acid meds since my acid problem had gotten so bad and over the counter stuff was not working.They put me on protonix which I have to say works very well.My OB made the decision after I aspirated in my sleep.I literally woke up after dosing off at bedtime choking on milk and cereal that I had eaten an hour so before bed.DH woke up to me coughing and wheezing as I struggled to breath and cough up pieces of cereal and milk.It had made its way to my lungs as I breathed in while I slept,of course after shooting up my throat.It was very scary and went on for 15 minutes-20 minutes.My lungs burned and hurt so bad for the next few days like I had been diving very deep while swimming or something.We are officially done with all 3 baby registries, we added the baby depot at Burlington coat factory since it had a lot of different things that Babies r us and Target didn't have.I will be posting a 22 week belly pic very soon since I will be 22 weeks today.I know there was more to catch up all you girls on but I think I have pregnancy head lately and can't seem to remember anything ugh! Well I will close for now and I hope everyone is well, hugs to you all!
This pic is of me and one of my best friends she is the one throwing me my shower on september 5th,I love her like a sister! We had fun acting silly and changing poses before the camera took each pic!

Well lets start with the scare we had it started last weekend when the temp and humidity decided to spike and we started have our 95 degree days here in Michigan (crazy I know).On the afternoon of Sunday august 9th I started getting really overheated as we were having a yard sale with a friend. As the day grew hotter and more humid I started to feel overheated, nauseous and a bit dizzy.So I sat down as much as possible and was consuming fluids.I made a comment to DH and my friend that "nanner" that's what we call our baby for now, was not very active that day.But I just played down to the change in our schedule etc.Plus I was busy with the sale and preoccupied.Well later that night after the sale DH looked down at my feet and said "umm hunny, your feet are purple".I looked down and either out just exhaustion or not knowing how to respond was like "hmm imagine that, they are purple" At this point he prompted me to go lay down and put them up which I did.As the night went on "nanner" still did not make himself known and my skin was getting tight on my fingers,thighs and calves.I decided to call my OB's office the next day and tell them what was going on.I still hadn't really felt "baby nanner" and if I did it was so faint that I was unsure if it was bubbles or him.My ob's nurse was out so I got a different one and told her what was going on and she said the heat and humidity is very hard on pregnant women and that I needed to drink tons of water, to keep my feet up and rest.She also said that pregnant women become dehydrated easier and they can't tell when they are.She then said that I should drink something cold and lay very still and wait to see if the baby kicks etc.If I didn't have a change in things she said I was more than welcome to go into the birthing center and they would listen to him and check me out.Well Monday finished out and Tuesday went by with very very faint movement or gas bubbles not sure and he still was not being my active boy.He had been keeping regular hours of kicking and moving (even DH could feel him) up until Sunday.You could have set your watch by him so that is why this was alarming to me.So Wednesday night at about 11:45pm we went in.(I had to wait for my Ex-husband to get out of work so he could come sit at our house with mine and his boys while they slept.Yes I know we have an unconventional relationship but we are still good friends and we co-parent our children wonderfully.He and DH get along great and even installed a dishwasher here together.)So anyways going on they took a urine sample and listened to "baby nanner" and she said he sounded great,that his heart was steady and regular.She said I needed to drink more fluids,keep my feet up and rest.She also said the heat may have been getting to him a bit so I should try to stay hydrated and cool.All of which I had started to do since the heat wave started on Sunday.So we went home hoping she is right and tried to get some sleep.The very next morning what do you think happened? Of course it was our "baby nanner" kicking and moving just like his old self.He was kicking so hard that DH could feel him which put huge smiles on both of our faces.He's been our active little monkey ever since.He sure did give us a scare but we are glad he is alright.We have an u/s on Monday to check for the hematoma and see him again,we can't wait! I am finally posting our pics that we took in the photo booth at my friends wedding in June, I know I said I would a long time ago but better late than never. I should probably give a little history on our baby's nickname which he had even before we knew he was a boy in order to stop calling the baby "it" as in "it" kicked "it" moved,having a nickname made it more personable.His nickname came because we call him our little monkey and are doing his room in jungle and monkeys, so we decided on "nanner" as in banana.Everyone thought it was cute and it has stuck and will be around until he has an official name but I have a sneaking suspicion that he will always be our little nanner.On a different note I was officially put on prescription reflux/acid meds since my acid problem had gotten so bad and over the counter stuff was not working.They put me on protonix which I have to say works very well.My OB made the decision after I aspirated in my sleep.I literally woke up after dosing off at bedtime choking on milk and cereal that I had eaten an hour so before bed.DH woke up to me coughing and wheezing as I struggled to breath and cough up pieces of cereal and milk.It had made its way to my lungs as I breathed in while I slept,of course after shooting up my throat.It was very scary and went on for 15 minutes-20 minutes.My lungs burned and hurt so bad for the next few days like I had been diving very deep while swimming or something.We are officially done with all 3 baby registries, we added the baby depot at Burlington coat factory since it had a lot of different things that Babies r us and Target didn't have.I will be posting a 22 week belly pic very soon since I will be 22 weeks today.I know there was more to catch up all you girls on but I think I have pregnancy head lately and can't seem to remember anything ugh! Well I will close for now and I hope everyone is well, hugs to you all!
This pic is of me and one of my best friends she is the one throwing me my shower on september 5th,I love her like a sister! We had fun acting silly and changing poses before the camera took each pic!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
20 week pics and updates on u/s results
20 week belly shot (actually 20 weeks 3 days)we took it a few days late

I know I have been a bad blogger, but life has gotten the better of my time lately.We have had yard sales at 2 different locations for the past 2 weekends to help try to make some money for needed baby items.So besides all the work those took lets see what else is new.Well I went back for the official results on July 30th and the OB said the head measurements etc looked good and on track.She also decided that since we could not see the hematoma on the gender scan u/s that she will have me do another u/s 4 weeks from then (now 16 days away) and if we don't see it on that u/s either than we will call it gone/resolved.We are so hoping that it is gone and not just hiding like they are known to do.As I stated before,even if it is gone we are not completely out of the woods for an early delivery as once the damage is done it's done with hematomas.And I do still have endometriosis which was my second risk factor for a preemie. However my chances of how early can be changed and lessened but the hematoma resolving.They also said that I only gained one pound in the 4 weeks proceeding my appontment.I have no idea how that could be possible I sure look like I am gaining a lot of weight.I think altogether (not including the wonderful 15-20 pounds I gained on fertility meds) I have gained about 5-6 pounds during my pregnancy.Did anyone else gain weight after months on fertility meds.I have heard it is common but that doesn't make me like it.Let's see what else is new, well my best friend informed that she will be throwing me a shower on September 5th, wow that is soon and I am so excited!I have no idea what I am going to wear for it,but I was tempted to wear a cute dress. We are still working on names and have started to narrow it down.I may ask for all of you girls input through a poll,just to see which name you all prefer.I know in the end it is our decision and we and our little boy will be the ones to live with it, but it will possibly help me sort the names out a bit.We did receive our first gift the other day it was from my DH's cousin (they live in Virginia).I guess they found our registry and decided to send us something, we hadn't even told anyone that we had made it yet.We were delighted when we opened the box from target and it had the bouncy seat we registered for inside.Our little miracle now makes himself known several times a day he goes through spurts of moving and kicking.I still get excited every time he does it.We can't wait to see him again on the 24th.I will also have a follow up with the OB on the 26th although I will be seeing one of the other OB's in the practice since mine will be on vacation.So now I guess I will leave you with some recent pics,including a 20 week belly shot which is 3 days late.Well girls that is about it for now.I will post more soon. HUGS!!
Me braving the camera after a long hot,rainy,humid day and with no makeup.Wow do I look pregnant!

The little monkey that daddy picked out for our little monkey!

Our first baby gift!! Jungle themed bouncy seat so cute!
I know I have been a bad blogger, but life has gotten the better of my time lately.We have had yard sales at 2 different locations for the past 2 weekends to help try to make some money for needed baby items.So besides all the work those took lets see what else is new.Well I went back for the official results on July 30th and the OB said the head measurements etc looked good and on track.She also decided that since we could not see the hematoma on the gender scan u/s that she will have me do another u/s 4 weeks from then (now 16 days away) and if we don't see it on that u/s either than we will call it gone/resolved.We are so hoping that it is gone and not just hiding like they are known to do.As I stated before,even if it is gone we are not completely out of the woods for an early delivery as once the damage is done it's done with hematomas.And I do still have endometriosis which was my second risk factor for a preemie. However my chances of how early can be changed and lessened but the hematoma resolving.They also said that I only gained one pound in the 4 weeks proceeding my appontment.I have no idea how that could be possible I sure look like I am gaining a lot of weight.I think altogether (not including the wonderful 15-20 pounds I gained on fertility meds) I have gained about 5-6 pounds during my pregnancy.Did anyone else gain weight after months on fertility meds.I have heard it is common but that doesn't make me like it.Let's see what else is new, well my best friend informed that she will be throwing me a shower on September 5th, wow that is soon and I am so excited!I have no idea what I am going to wear for it,but I was tempted to wear a cute dress. We are still working on names and have started to narrow it down.I may ask for all of you girls input through a poll,just to see which name you all prefer.I know in the end it is our decision and we and our little boy will be the ones to live with it, but it will possibly help me sort the names out a bit.We did receive our first gift the other day it was from my DH's cousin (they live in Virginia).I guess they found our registry and decided to send us something, we hadn't even told anyone that we had made it yet.We were delighted when we opened the box from target and it had the bouncy seat we registered for inside.Our little miracle now makes himself known several times a day he goes through spurts of moving and kicking.I still get excited every time he does it.We can't wait to see him again on the 24th.I will also have a follow up with the OB on the 26th although I will be seeing one of the other OB's in the practice since mine will be on vacation.So now I guess I will leave you with some recent pics,including a 20 week belly shot which is 3 days late.Well girls that is about it for now.I will post more soon. HUGS!!
Me braving the camera after a long hot,rainy,humid day and with no makeup.Wow do I look pregnant!
The little monkey that daddy picked out for our little monkey!
Our first baby gift!! Jungle themed bouncy seat so cute!
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My snowflake items
DH got me these after we officially accepted our set of snowflake babies