Thursday, November 28, 2013

Getting closer!!

Just thought I would pop in for an update.I had my lining check on Tuesday and they said I was good to go for my December 3rd FET!! My lining was at 9.4 which the nurse said was just right. They said they want it not too thin but not too thick. I guess they shoot for anything above 6 but below 12(?) Not positive on the last number as I kinda stopped listening as closely to what she was saying after she said "perfect" :-) Anyways I am to continue on meds as previously instructed until friday.At which point I stop my Lupron and decrease my estrace.Then on Saturday I add in my Prometrium.Wow is this moving fast!! I can't believe my transfer is less than a week away. Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!!


Krisa said...

I am seriously behind in my blog reading. Congratulations on your FET! I hope all went well!!!

ks said...

Okay I've been waiting to hear?! I'm seriously hoping that your lack of blogging is due to exhaustion from the first trimester. Wishing you well!

My snowflake items

My snowflake items
DH got me these after we officially accepted our set of snowflake babies