Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary.Although we already celebrated it this weekend since it fell on a work day for DH.We decided that we would go to dinner at one of our favorite places Romanos Macaroni Grill which is an hour from where we live.They have awesome Italian food.It was my older two boys weekend with their daddy and we just ended up taking Nanner with us, since we didn't have a sitter.Which was just fine by us and felt right since last year at this time we were on bed rest after our bleeding scare and threatened miscarriage thinking we were gonna lose him. So having him there with us made it more of a celebration.We had a wonderful time.We went during the off time so it wouldn't be busy which was great! The two guy waiters were all talking to Nanner and asking about him, it was cute!.We even got our waiter to take our picture! Nanner really seemed to enjoy the sights and sounds! After we had dinner we stayed in Grand Rapids for a while to look for a couple of christian music cd's that DH wanted to get me, that I had been wanting for a while.After some light shopping and window shopping we headed towards home but decided to stop off in Grand haven and take a late walk instead.We walked and talked and reminisced. Grand Haven has always been special since it is where we used to walk a lot when we were first dating and it is also where 90% of our outdoor wedding pics were taken that you see on my blog page.The beach/pier ones in particular.All in all it was a wonderful night.It was just the way we would have done it low key.

This is one of our favorite places to eat!

Nanner joining us at the table.

The pic that Max our waiter took of all of us.(yes I seem to have a way of always asking people in public to take pics lol,if you remember the Panera bread pic from when I met with my blogger girls)

This is our little gnome all bundled up on our walk because we had a very,very cool Michigan night dare I say high 50's,plus we were next to the lake, just before a crazy hot 92 degree day the next day.Ahh only in Michigan!! (p.s. battynurse if you recognize the blanket it's cause it's the one you sent us and made, he loves it!Thank you again!, the printed side is down so it may be hard to tell, I didn't use your real name since I didn't know if you share it online or not)

Oh how do I love this man!